Statistics Can Help Avoid Internet Fraud Essay

  • Today, the presence of cybercrime and related fraud represents a significant issue. The statistical data analysis can provide insights on the trends in the occurrence of the electronic crimes, the frequency of the incidents depending on the region, and help to classify the offenses.
  • Today, the presence of cybercrime and related fraud represents a significant issue. The statistical data analysis can provide insights on the trends in the occurrence of the electronic crimes, the frequency of the incidents depending on the region, and help to classify the offenses.
  • The following Thematic Issue presents new research on the nature and extent of a wide range of scams, cons, frauds, and deceptive activities, including sextortion, the use of ransomware, phishing, identity theft, Ponzi schemes, online shopping fraud, gift card scams, and health care fraud targeting elderly victims.
  • Internet privacy and security may be different but share a responsibility, but it is up to us to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves on the internet. We should pick unique, carful passwords, and never share this sensitive information, and encrypt our data when online.
  • The research questions of this study include: - What security measures can be taken in order to minimize the risk of frauds in e-commerce? - What precautions or preventive measures can be taken to avoid any frauds in an e-business? - What is the current and planned fraud detection tool usage? - Does order screening help minimize fraud risks?
  • The research provides statistical information about fraud and counterfeiting, examples of both these types of computer crime, and arguments for criminalizing or not criminalizing ethical or unethical behavior in the Internet.
  • Internet fraud is a type of cybercrime fraud or deception which makes use of the Internet and could involve hiding of information or providing incorrect information for the purpose of tricking victims…
  • It can be difficult for prosecutors to assemble witnesses from disparate locations during an Internet fraud trial.
  • Internet fraud cases are often complex cases because alleged victims may be spread across the United States.
  • These schemes can also trick the recipient into installing malicious software onto a computer or mobile device.

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