Green Construction Essay

  • Green buildings are useful for the conservation of scarce natural resources and the health and well-being of occupants.
  • In 1990, BREEAM was the first green building rating system in the world later in 2000, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) that created a LEED rating system for the green building.
  • Different uses will receive either type of water. They may also take advantage of grey water or rainwater and use those as non-potable water supply.
  • One of the basic and most important principles of green building is water conservation. Depending on the design, some green buildings can supply potable and non-potable water.
  • When it comes to designing an eco-friendly building, construction materials are also a key consideration.
  • Some green buildings even plant grass or other plants on their roofs to reduce the solar energy absorbed by direct sunlight.

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